Print & Cut memo matching game
Step by step instructions

Print & Cut memo matching game
Step by step instructions
Do you need promotional giveaways or gifts that can be adapted to your customers' needs? Then this printed matching game is for you.
Required material
- 2 sheets MDF 23.5" x 11.75", 1/4"
- 1/4 sheet TroGlass Clear, 10mm
- Material for covering the engraving table
Machine used
- Speedy 360, 100 Watts
- 2.5" lens
- JobControl® Vision camera system
- Aluminum cutting grid table or honeycomb cutting table for cutting the MDF
- Acrylic cutting grid for cutting the acrylic
Any laser machine from the Speedy 300 platform or larger with JobControl® Vision software can create this sample.
The option "Send Beziers and paths to driver" must be active in your program. Otherwise, JobControl® Vision will not recognize the registration marks.
Step by step

Step 1: Picture cards
Create your own designs or use ours. Add you or your customer's images in place of our own, then print the design directly to the MDF using a UV printer.
(See tips on graphics creation for JobControl® Vision)
Send the job to your laser with the below settings. Please do not deviate from these settings, or else JobControl® Vision will fail to recognize the registration marks.
Print settings:
Process mode | Resolution | Cut line |
Cut Job | 1000 dpi | none |
Halftone | Others |
Color | enhanced geometries, inner geometries first |

Step 2: Laser process picture cards
Set the parameters using the below settings. Based on your laser machine, the laser power available and the printing process used, the recommended settings may differ.
Instructions for using the JobControl® Vision software can be found here: JobControl® Vision software
Important: When cutting wood, a nozzle with a small diameter should be used. Additionally, the pressure of your air assist may be increased.
Tip: Lower any traces of smoke by applying application tape to the surface. Omit the registration marks so that the JobControl® Vision camera system may "read" them.
Color | Process | Power (%) | Speed (%) | ppi/Hz |
black | RegMark | - | - | - |
Passes | Air Assist | Z-Offset | Advanced |
- | - | - | - |
Color | Process | Power (%) | Speed (%) | ppi/Hz |
red | Cut CO2 | 90 | 0.6 | 1000 |
Passes | Air Assist | Z-Offset | Advanced |
1 | on | - |
- We used the standard laser parameters from JobControl®, optimized for quality
- Material parameters for JobControl® can be obtained from www.troteclaser.com
Step 3: Acrylic holder
Now we create an acrylic holder to put the picture cards inside.
Tip: Check the kerf when making the base plate and tweak it if required.
Send the job to the laser using the below settings.
Print settings:
Process mode | Resolution | Cut line |
Cut Job | 500 dpi | - |
Halftone | Others |
- | enhanced geometries, inner geometries first |

Step 4: Laser process acrylic holder
Send the following parameter settings to your laser. These may change based on your laser machine and the laser power that's available.
Important: When cutting acrylic, a nozzle with a big diameter should be used. Additionally, the pressure of your air assist may be increased.
While cutting, the pole may bend.
Color | Process | Power (%) | Speed (%) | ppi/Hz |
red | Cut CO2 | 95 | 0.1 | 20000 |
Passes | Air Assist | Z-Offset | Advanced |
1 | on | -3 mm | - |
- We use the standard laser parameters in JobControl®, optimized for quality
- Material settings for JobControl® can be obtained from www.troteclaser.com

Step 5: Finishing
After smoothing out the cut edges of the MDF cards, put the stand together.
Now your memo matching game with holder is finished.
- Give your creativity free reign: Edit the shape of the cards, use a different material, add logos or other text to the back of the cards.
- We engraved a stripe pattern into the card edges to create an elegant effect. This was achieved easily by placing the cards within the holder, putting them inside the laser and engraving each side.