
Create your Ruby® account

Please register once per company. With the created Ruby® account, you can use Ruby® on all your machines.

Currently supported machines:

  • Trotec Speedy Series and SP500 from 2004 with firmware 11 or higher
  • R and Q Series in an open beta version. Rayjet Manager resp. JobControl® need to be installed in advance.
Speed up your workflow

Graphic editing and laser control in one software. No need to switch between programs. No time-consuming printer-driver workflow.

Work independently

Prepare jobs from anywhere within the same network. Work together with different roles and permissions. Client- and platform-independent

Anybody can use a laser

Minimum training required. A user interface that guides you intuitively.

Be ready for the future

Web-based platform with an integrated cloud-based material database. Constantly being developed further for highest automation and integration opportunities.

Speed up your workflow

Graphic editing and laser control in one software. No need to switch between programs. No time-consuming printer-driver workflow.

Work independently

Prepare jobs from anywhere within the same network. Work together with different roles and permissions. Client- and platform-independent

Anybody can use a laser

Minimum training required. A user interface that guides you intuitively.

Be ready for the future

Web-based platform with an integrated cloud-based material database. Constantly being developed further for highest automation and integration opportunities.

Ruby®: Makes working with your laser simpler and faster.
Digital to the core.

Proud member of troGROUP Logo