markSolid marking sprays and pastes
Create permanent, black markings on metals, glass and ceramics with a CO2 laser
By applying the spray or paste on the blank surface (metal, glass, ceramic), CO2 lasers, as well as fiber or Nd:YAG lasers, produce a permanent black marking. This marking is highly resistant to mechanical and chemical stresses as well as high temperatures. High contrast and resolution can easily be achieved. Marking sprays and pastes are very popular for all applications that require high contrast and durability - making markSolid products ideal for bar coding, product serialization, logos and decorative marking.

Product advantages markSolid laser marking sprays
- Create deep black markings at high speeds
- Broad range of parameters for better marking results
- Can be stored for longer periods without loss in product quality
- High quality spray can: prevents clogging, guarantees high output
- Clever accessories: Spray can comes with two spray heads
Learn how to use markSolid marking sprays and pastes:

1. Preparation
Product needs to be applied directly on the blank surface. The surface has to be dry and clean, free of dust, grease, silicone, etc. Shake the spray well to make sure solid sediments are dissolved. Dilute the paste according to the description on the product label.

2. Applying
The more evenly and the more accurately you apply the product onto the surface, the better results you achieve. The principle „less is better“ applies often in regard to the layer thickness. Spray from 20 - 30 cm distance. Apply the paste with brush, foam or airbrush.

3. Drying
The coating must be completely dry before starting the laser marking. It usually takes 1-2 minutes when dried by air, but a hot air blower (e.g. a simple hair dryer) can reduce the drying time. Tip: You may reduce the drying time by putting the work piece in the laser with exhaust turned on

4. Laser marking
The products can be used for marking with CO2 lasers, Nd:YAG lasers and fiber laser, to name a few.
Differences in laser power, wave length and other factors influence the final settings required.
After laser marking, excessive coating can be removed by wiping with a damp cloth or by washing with water.