TechCreate lay the foundations for their future with Trotec laser.
A change in direction
TechCreate was initially founded as a MakerSpace. In the beginning, Matt Eve knew that a laser cutter was an essential tool to incorporate due to the versatility of the technology and how easily it could be applied to wide-ranging projects and materials. After extensive research to find a suitable machine, Matt and his colleagues narrowed their search down to two potential suppliers, one of which was Trotec.
To make an informed decision on which laser to invest in, Matt booked a demonstration at Trotec's Dublin showroom. During the demonstration, it became apparent that the laser machines lived up to their market-leading reputation. Trotec's area manager allowed Matt to rigorously test the showroom machines, processing a range of materials, each time achieving consistent, high-quality results. This, combined with the high quality of the laser machine made Matt confident that Trotec should be their supplier of choice, with the team purchasing a Speedy 300 laser cutter soon after.
During the makerspace's lifetime, various technologies have been added to complement the Speedy laser, including a CNC machine, 3D printer and embroidery machines. When the decision to move into a new service-orientated direction was made, many of these technologies were removed. The laser cutter and 3D printer were chosen to take the studio forward with this new venture.
Speedy 300 - a reliable partner
Since focusing more on the service aspect of the business, the team at TechCreate has found the Speedy 300 to be the perfect partner with the laser now accounting for a large proportion of business. The quality build of the laser, coupled with the ceramic laser tube designed for long service life, give the team peace of mind that whatever the application, they have a reliable tool for the job.
The TechCreate team enjoy the varied work that they receive from clients, thanks to the processing potential of the laser machine, which keeps their work engaging with no day being the same. TechCreate is currently looking to establish a niche within the product market to supplement their services. The first foray into this has been creating seasonal items for Christmas, which are available for sale from the online store.