Лазерная гравировка
свадебных фужеров
Здесь Вы сможете узнать, как украсить простые стаканы лазерной гравировкой для свадеб или других особых случаев.
Вам потребуется
- вращательное устройство
- фужер для шампанского
- бумажное полотенце
- губка или спрей с водой
Используемый лазер Trotec
- Speedy 300
- 80 Вт
- 2.0" линза

Пошаговые инструкции
Step 1: Mount the rotary attachment
To mount the rotary attachment and plug it in, the laser has to be switched of. After that you can switch on the laser and put the prepared glass into the rotary attachment.
Step 2: Prepare the glass
To prepare the glass you will need a paper towel, some water and a sponge or a spray. To prevent splintering of the glass, apply a paper towel on the surface and moisten it. The easiest way to this, is using a sponge or a spray. Pay attention that there are no air inclusions or wrinkles in order to get a perfect result.

Step 3: Put the glass into the rotary attachment
Put your prepared glass into the rotary attachment and make sure, that it is firmly attached. If your glass is conical, adjust the inclination angle until the surface you want to engrave is in a parallel position.

Step 4: Engrave your glass
Import the PDF file into Corel Draw, customize it as you want to or take your own design and send it to the laser. Make sure that you have activated the rotary attachment and entered the diameter of the glass in the properties dialog (see screenshot in the slideshow above).
Used engraving parameters:
Power: 100% - Speed: 60% - Frequency: 500 ppi - Air Assist: OFF