Lasermade Jewelry
Necklace with Laser-Cut Pendant
This pendant is made of 13 laser-cut and engraved pieces. The exact correction of the cutting gaps guarantees a firm hold without glue and the engraving elements allow countless designs.
Potrebni materijal
TroLase Reverse gloss/gold 1.6mm, voštani kabel or a ribbon
Korišteni Trotec laser
- Speedy 360
- 60 vata
- 1.5 inč leća
Koristite saćasti stol za rezanje or an akrilni rešetkasti stol za rezanje to avoid back reflections

Korak po korak
1. korak: Dizajn
Open the PDF template and send the design to the laser or create your own design and add a personal touch to the pendant.
Do you want to use a different material?
Note that the cutting gap has been optimized for TroLase Reverse 1.6mm. When using other materials it may be necessary to adapt parameters and geometries.
2. korak: Parametri lasera
We used a Speedy 360 (60 vata power) to cut and engrave the material. We've sent the graphics with 600 dpi to the laser and used the following parameters:
Postavke lasera
Graviranje: Snaga: 100% - Brzina: 60% - Frekvencija: 1000 ppi - Air Assist: On -
Z-Offset: 2.5mm
Rezanje: Snaga: 50% - Brzina: 0.6% - Frekvencija: 2000 Hz - Air Asisst: On
Dodatnoly we activated the optimized geometries-function to achieve an even higher quality.
3. korak: Čišćenje i sastavljanje
It may be necessary to clean the pieces and remove dust with a soft cloth. After that you can easily put the pieces together. There is no glue needed, because the pieces fit together perfectly.
To cut the stand, you can also use our template.
4. korak: Attach the ribbon
To assemble the piece of jewelry, take the small disk with the hole, pull the ribbon through and fix it with a knot. Cut the overhanging ends with scissors short.
In the pictures below we have omitted the ribbon, so you can see the assembly better.
5. korak: First side part
Now insert connect one side part of the disc.
6. korak: Insert discs
Attach all other disks to the side part and pay attention to the order.
7. korak: Other side parts
As a final step, put the other side parts around and the neckČipka is ready to use.