Blaufaktor: Laser marks drinking water filters sustainably.

Sustainability and resource protection from the region.
In times of climate change and population growth, clean drinking water is an increasingly critical issue. Pharmaceutical residues, hormones, pesticide and antibiotic residues as well as toxins are often not even detected or filtered out by wastewater treatment plants and public drinking water treatment systems.
The drinking water filter supplier Blaufaktor GmbH & Co. KG has developed a solution to this problem with its Alb Filter brand. Since the development of the first Alb Filter in 2013, the concept has been constantly improved and the application possibilities of the filters continuously expanded. Thus, the modular design of the various cartridges of the supplier can be addressed to the most diverse needs and application purposes of customers - whether for personal hygiene or drinking water, whether at home or on the road.

Mandatory traceability.
The aluminum water filters and accessory modules must be permanently and individually labeled due to mandatory traceability.
Previously, the basic housings produced in a lathe shop were taken to an external service provider for labeling and transported back from there to the actual filter production facility. The accessory modules were also marked externally. The compilation of the marked supplier parts caused considerable effort. So the search was on for a more logistically and cost-efficient solution.

In-house laser marking.
Blaufaktor went for the SpeedMarker 700 laser marker and decided to set it up directly in the turning shop, which significantly simplified logistics.
The stand-alone device with a processing area of approximately 580 x 495 mm marks the manufactured parts here directly on site, thus saving not only the part of the previous delivery time but also the part of the delivery costs.
The self-explanatory menu of the SpeedMark software for template creation allows complex markings to be implemented quickly via a drag-and-drop function. The data is quickly imported via USB stick and the housing holders are assembled from simple plastic components.
Very good results are thus achieved after only about two hours.
Since the laser system can mark a wide range of alloys, this will now gradually be adopted for other metal alloys as well in order to optimize the workflow there, too.
Now that we are no longer dependent on a service provider, we can respond even faster to individual customer requests for marking with serial numbers, product designations or logos, and at lower cost.