Tips For Working With A Laser
You recently bought a Trotec laser machine and want to learn how to better use your laser?
Download our handbook for engravers to learn more about what you can do with your Trotec laser, which materials can be laser-engraved and how to get perfect results.
You need more in-depth instructions?
In the handbook for engravers you’ll find instructions on how to choose the right focus lense, which exhaust is best suited for your laser, how to find perfect laser parameters yourself and how JobControl®, our easy-to-use software, makes engraving with a laser a breeze.
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Lots of great content

Handbook for engravers - content examples:
- What can a laser do?
- Laser sources and available options
- How does the laser work? Vector cutting and raster engraving
- Processing tips for most common materials
- How to create a file for the laser
- Select the correct focus lens
- The correct throttle setting for your application
- JobControl® functions, which make laser processing even easier
- How do I find the perfect laser parameters?
- Shortcuts - key combinations for JobControl®, CorelDraw®