Materials for schools

Materials for laser cutting and engraving
TroLase is a series of laser engraving laminates created by Trotec. The core of the material is extruded acrylic with a thin micro surfaced coating which offers a range of benefits to schools projects, including:
- Detailed engraving results can be achieved at high processing speeds
- The superior composition of the material minimises residue produced during laser engraving, which reduces cleaning time.
These benefits allow students to maximise their time with the laser and to easily create the desired results they want in a quick and efficient manner.
Alongside the TroLase Series Trotec also offer a range of films and foils, both of which can be integrated into laser education projects. As covered in our laser educaton project ideas blog, LaserFlex is a laser cutting material highly suited to popersonalising textiles.

Great for showcasing the benefits of lasers in engineering subject areas, Trotec also offer a range of metals. Using metal you can create a range of different markings that can be used

Trotec's range of paper products, LaserPaper, are specifically selected for their laser cutting and laser engraving capabilities. When cut and engraved, an efficient contrast is created by the laser beam, birnging a visual impacct to workpieces. LaserPaper is the ideal material for producing creative applications, prototype laser cutting and a range of toher projects.

Trotec wood sheets
As described in our laser education projet ideas page, wood is an excellent material for a wide range of application ideas. Trotec woods are specially selected due to the resuls that can be created when laser cutting, engraving as well as when processed with mechanical engraving machines. Featuring a range of natural woods as well as veneer, plywood and MDF, laser technology allows students and staff alike to create fine details and cutting results when processing.
The different types of wood allow for a variety of finishes and results to be achieved by simply adjuting the settings.These include deep laser engraving results, dark black markings and light surace markings.
One thing to note is that wood is a natural material and as such variences exist in wood sheets. Processing results will vary depending o the material, your laser machine and power available.
Discover the full range!
The Trotec range of materials isn't just limited to what we've covered in this blog. Complementing the range of laser materials, Trotec also offer materials for traditional rotary engraving machines, as well as general engraving supplies and a wide selection of engravable gifts. Just like the laser materials, these additional products are purposely designed to achieve the best results possible when processed.
Discover Rotary materials Discover engraving supplies Discover engravable gifts