TroLase Thins - flexible, lightweight, and tough

Engraving TroLase Thins
The cap layer is so thin, in fact, that these materials can be either cut by a carbide cutter or engraved by using traditional methods. These features allow engravers to be flexible if they require the option of switching between marking processes. TroLase Thins are also available in metallic finishes and offer very attractive alternative to engraving metal.

Laser engraving offers the most efficient processing
To engrave TroLase Thins, laser engraving is probably the most efficient solution as depth control is imperative and rotary engraving may not offer high accuracy. Laser engraving is faster in many cases and can allow more detailed graphics than deep cutting with a carbide tool in many applications.

Processing tips
Start with a flat engraving area, optionally tape your material down from the top. This will eliminate any engraving voids. After you become more confident with the material, you can switch to rotary cutting. Any standard rotary carbide tool will do the job. Nothing special is required when engraving; however, it's recommended that a vacuum system is used.

Technique for rotary engraving
If you plan to rotary cut, it is important to note that the material may be thinner than what you have worked with before. Therefore, using a nose cone and proper depth control is important. First, zero the cutter. Then follow the instructions on the correct cutting depth. A cutting depth of 0.025 mm – 0.08 mm (.001"- .003") will expose the core colour in the TroLase Thins range. If you are required to cut a very intricate logo with lots of detail, you will appreciate that a fine line can be achieved on this material. Almost anything that is done with regular engraving stock can be done created with the TroLase Thins line of lightweight materials.