
How to clean laser focus lenses?

Clean optics play a major role in ensuring high-quality cutting and engraving results, especially when it comes to materials, such as wood and rubber, which produce a considerable amount of dust. In order to enhance the quality of your laser cutting and engraving results, it is crucial that you regularly check and clean the lenses and mirrors.

Quick and easy

Keeping your optics clean is quick and easy. All you need to do is visually inspect the lens and mirror on the machine head once a day and the side mirrors once a month.

We recommend setting fixed times during the day to conduct visual inspections. For example, we suggest checking the lens every morning before you commence your work and inspecting the side mirrors on the first day of every month. Our optics are protected from dust and dirt by the InPack Technology™, which makes your job a whole lot more simple!

Cleaning lenses in 2 steps

Clean the lens whenever you see dirt on it to improve the quality of the laser engraving or cutting, and to prevent the lens from breaking.

Step by Step

Step 1: Preparation

  • Blow off lint and dust with a blower or compressed air.
  • Have some detergent and wipes on hand.
  • Move the working table upward (if the lens falls down during removal, it will not fall far and therefore will not break as easily).

Step 2: Detergent and wipes

  • Remove the lens and rinse it with cleaning fluid
  • Place a drop of cleaning fluid on the lens and leave it on for about 1 minute
  • Wipe off with a moist cleaning cloth

Now the lens is impeccably clean again and ready for the next application. When cleaning the mirror, you can take the same steps.

Optics: More sensitive than glass

The lenses and mirrors are fragile, so handle them with care. Avoid touching the lens with your fingers or with tools, because the danger of scratching the surface is too great.

We recommend using the included cleaning set, but you can also use cotton swabs.

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